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Re: keymap problem

From: no spam
Subject: Re: keymap problem
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 19:40:46 GMT
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)

Thanks again. I can run xmodmap and xev on my laptop, but on the university's system, I can't.

 xmodmap -pk
xmodmap:  unable to open display ''

and xev I can't find at all.

Although I haven't tried, I suspect that I'm not going to have much luck getting an X session across their firewall AND mine. Is there some other way to do this?

Joe Corneli wrote:
which means that backspace has already been mapped to C-d (that's why I suspected this required some sort of keymap wizardry). While I could live with C-d and Backspace both meaning delete-backward-char, I'd really rather have C-d continue to mean "delete forward" like it ought to.

Hm... you got me there.  It sounds like maybe there's a site file
being loaded (in which case you can try the command line option
--no-site-file when you start Emacs, to the annoyance of your
sysadmins) *or* maybe you've just had some bad luck at the xmodmap
level if it is your own system.  In any event, you can try changing
the behavior of the backspace key around using xmodmap (the analogue
of `global-set-key') and xev (the analogue of the help and command
history commands I showed you).  See the man pages.

   2) your syntax doesn't work in my version:  If I try

   (global-set-key "^d" 'backward-delete-char-untabify)

I get an initialization error "Key sequence ^ d uses invalid prefix characters"

Did you copy the string from the *Command History* buffer?  You don't
want an asciicircum and a "d" -- you want the "control d character".
You can insert this character without going through the
help/command-history hoops just by pressing C-q C-d.

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