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Re: coding system

From: Joe Corneli
Subject: Re: coding system
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 07:57:10 -0600

   rebind the é key the command which works is

   (global-set-key [2281] 'foo)

   the command

   (global-set-key "é" 'foo)

   does not work.

Since you have a working command, I guess this question is partly out
of curiousity... so I don't feel bad about suggesting something that
I'm not sure will help, but - out of curiousity, what does

 (kbd "?")


BTW, here, in a buffer with coding system described by
(describe-current-coding-system) to be

Coding system for saving this buffer:
  Not set locally, use the default.
Default coding system (for new files):
Coding system for keyboard input:
Coding system for terminal output:
Defaults for subprocess I/O:
  decoding: - -- undecided

  encoding: 1 -- iso-latin-1 (alias: iso-8859-1 latin-1)

a *local* binding to "?" works fine.

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