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Re: jump to place holder and mapping

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: jump to place holder and mapping
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:00:01 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (X11/20041105)

Fabian Braennstroem wrote:
> On 2005-03-30, Fabian Braennstroem <> wrote:
>> I am trying 'vim' for a while now and actually like the
>> jumping to place holders indicated by '<++>' with 'C-j'. It
>> is very usefull, when you have small macro/abbreviations
>> including these place holders; e.g. in latex there exist a
>> macro:
>> \frac{<++>}{<++>}<++>
>> So you are able to complete quickly the fraction.
>> Furthermore, defining those 'macros' is pretty easy in vim
>> with the 'imap' funtion; so writing in insert-mode some
>> special shortcut, it expands to the wanted output with those
>> place holders.
> I just found 'tempo'. I think that should work for this, but
> I can't find anything like placeholders...

Isn't that exactly what is meant by the "points of interest"?

;; A template is defined as a list of items to be inserted in the
;; current buffer at point. Some of the items can be simple strings,
;; while other can control formatting or define special points of
;; interest in the inserted text.

;; If a template defines a "point of interest" that point is inserted
;; in a buffer-local list of "points of interest" that the user can
;; jump between with the commands `tempo-backward-mark' and
;; `tempo-forward-mark'. If the template definer provides a prompt for
;; the point, and the variable `tempo-interactive' is non-nil, the
;; user will be prompted for a string to be inserted in the buffer,
;; using the minibuffer.

Kevin Rodgers

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