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Re: Remapping the Tab Key?

From: rgb
Subject: Re: Remapping the Tab Key?
Date: 22 Nov 2005 10:14:14 -0800
User-agent: G2/0.2

> (add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook
>           (function (lambda ()
>                       (local-set-key [009] (quote indent-or-complete))
>                       )))
>  It *only* works with the
> decimal value.  Neither of the following would do the trick:
> (local-set-key [tab] (quote indent-or-complete))
> (local-set-key [(tab)] (quote indent-or-complete))
> Any insights as to why?

There are 2 questions.

1. Why doesn't it work

M-: (local-set-key [TAB] 'indent-relative)  RET
(error "To bind the key TAB, use \"\\t\", not [TAB]")

So it appears that the answer to WHY is, it's not supposed to.

2. WHY? doesn't it work.

I have no idea.

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