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Re: a bit help with elisp bit

From: Ehud Karni
Subject: Re: a bit help with elisp bit
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 17:45:10 +0200

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 13:18:15 +0200, Eli Segal wrote:
> I found this really great tip,
> where the cursor on a paren, you press "%" and it goes to
> the matching one.
> but I want to change it, that when my point is one place
> after the closing bracket % will work
> how do I change it ?
> still trying to grasp this lisp

You might find the following code useful:

(defun goto-matching-paren ()
  "Jump to matching parenthesis (forward or backward) for ()[]{}.
For \" & ' go forward if character before is space, else backward.
If point is on space - search forward, if on non space - search backward"
       (let ((ch (char-after (point)))
             (forl '( ?\( ?\[ ?\{ ?  ?\n ?\t )))
           (if (or (memq ch forl)
                   (and (= ch ?\")
                        (= (char-after (1- (point))) ? )))
                   (forward-sexp 1)
                   (backward-char 1))
                   (forward-char 1)
                   (backward-sexp 1)))))

Also, you may want to use the `show-paren-mode` by adding:
    (require 'paren)
    (show-paren-mode 1)
to your .emacs .


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