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Re: two utf-8 questions

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: two utf-8 questions
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 00:13:26 +0100

Am 28.01.2006 um 19:30 schrieb B. T. Raven:


Even though the following is in my .emacs:

 (setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)

when I type 'C-x ret f' I see the prompt:

Coding system for visited file (default, nil) instead of (default, utf-8)

Maybe you need a: (prefer-coding-system   'utf-8)


Has it been pretty much decided that copypasting Unicode using the
clipboard between emacs and MS apps is impossible for OS versions earlier
than W2000?

I don't think so, but it's natural to assume that all Losedows from last millennium has no idea of Unicode.

After many
months of lurking there I am beginning to suspect that some of the
following settings are particularly inappropriate:

(set-language-environment               'UTF-8)
        (set-default-coding-systems             'utf-8)
        (setq file-name-coding-system           'utf-8)
        (setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
        (setq coding-system-for-write           'utf-8)
        (set-keyboard-coding-system             'utf-8)
        (set-terminal-coding-system             'utf-8)
        (set-clipboard-coding-system            'utf-8)
        (set-selection-coding-system            'utf-8)
        (prefer-coding-system                   'utf-8)
        (modify-coding-system-alist 'process
"[cC][mM][dD][pP][rR][oO][xX][yY]" 'utf-8-dos)

What could the clipboard and selection variables be set to in order to
give me a better chance of copypasting Unicode successfully?

I would think it's some CP125x code page (1250: Extended European, 1251: Cyrillic, 1252: ANSI, something like ISO 8859-1 or ISO Latin-1). And it's probably best to set this as a default -- or how do you print or email an UTF-8 text from this Losedows?



When confronted with actual numbers, a mathematician is at a loss. (Steffen Hokland)

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