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Re: Persist background and forecolor

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: Persist background and forecolor
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 10:37:18 +0100

Am 05.02.2006 um 01:06 schrieb dunnil:

How could I persist the colors? What should be in .emacs file?
I can change the the font by S-L click and set colors by M-x set*, but
can't persist them.

        (setq initial-frame-alist '(
          (mouse-color      . "#4e3832")
          (foreground-color . "midnightblue")
          (background-color . "antiquewhite1")
(font . "-*-*-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-*-*-fontset- hiraginomin")
          (top . 10) (left . 650) (width . 89) (height . 60)))
        (setq default-frame-alist '(
          (background-color     . "ghost white")
          (foreground-color     . "grey10")
          (cursor-color         . "purple")
          (cursor-type          . box)
          (vertical-scroll-bars . left)
          (active-alpha         . 0.875)
          (inactive-alpha       . 0.75)
(font . "-*-*-medium-r-normal--10-*-*-*-*-*-fontset- hiraginokaku")
          (top . 20) (left . 150) (width . 89) (height . 56)))



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