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Re: HTML utility functions (my first Emacs Lisp)

From: François Gannaz
Subject: Re: HTML utility functions (my first Emacs Lisp)
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 18:21:35 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11+cvs20060126

Your question seemed interesting. But instead of looking at your code to
find a mistake, I searched for something simpler in Emacs :
(define-skeleton xhtml-wrap-par
  "Wraps a paragrah."
      "<p>" _ "</p>")
"define-skeleton" is defined in skeleton.el which is part of
Emacs. The above function is interactive and can be applied to a
selected region.

Hope it helps.
François Gannaz

Le mer 15 mar 09:59, a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm pretty new to Emacs.  I've been trying to use it to edit Python
> and, to an extremely limited extent, Common Lisp, so I know the
> absolute basics.  Generally, I'm pretty clueless.
> I recently (re)discovered James Clark's nxml-mode, and I would really
> like to use it to finally abandon Homesite as my XHTML editor on
> Windows.  The only things that keep me from switching away from
> Homesite to something else (Emacs, SciTE, Vim, etc.) are Homesite's
> predefined utility functions for inserting certain tags around your
> current selection.  I have them mapped to shortcut keys, so that, e.g.,
> C-p wraps the selection in a <p> element, C-1 wraps the selection in an
> <h1> element, etc.  I also use the functions that turn a set of lines
> into an ordered or unordered list pretty frequently.
> I thought that implementing these would make a good introduction to
> Emacs Lisp, so I've taken a shot at it.  The code I've copied below is
> a first shot at an extremely simple framework for inserting HTML
> elements around a selection.  It works for me inside of nxml-mode and
> xml-mode.
> Usage:
> ----
> To turn a given line into a paragraph, select it and press M-x
> wrap-with-element RET p RET.  If you want the contents of the element
> to be indented, you can say M-x wrap-with-block-element RET p RET.
> To turn a given set of lines into a list, select them and press M-x
> make-ordered-list RET or M-x make-unordered-list RET.
> Help!
> ----
> I fell pretty sure that I've done some silly things with this code.
> Does anyone want to give me criticism, suggestions or advice?
> Thanks, and sorry for the long-winded-ness,
> Will.
> Code
> ----
> (defun insert-xml-element (element-name start end &optional
> indent-contents?)
>   (let ((contents (delete-and-extract-region start end)))
>     (insert-start-tag element-name)
>     (when indent-contents?
>       (newline-and-indent))
>     (insert contents)
>     (when indent-contents?
>       (indent-according-to-mode)
>       (newline-and-indent))
>     (insert-end-tag element-name)
>     (when indent-contents?
>       (indent-according-to-mode)
>       (newline-and-indent))))
> (defun insert-start-tag (name)
>   (insert (format "<%s>" name)))
> (defun insert-end-tag (name)
>   (insert (format "</%s>" name)))
> (defun wrap-with-element (element-name start end)
>   (interactive "sElement name: \nr")
>   (insert-xml-element element-name start end))
> (defun wrap-with-block-element (element-name start end)
>   (interactive "sElement name: \nr")
>   (insert-xml-element element-name start end t))
> (defun make-html-list (list-type start end)
>   (let* ((contents (delete-and-extract-region start end))
>          (lines (split-string contents "\n")))
>     (insert-start-tag list-type)
>     (newline-and-indent)
>     (dolist (line lines)
>       (insert (format "<li>%s</li>" line))
>       (newline-and-indent))
>     (insert-end-tag list-type)
>     (indent-according-to-mode)))
> (defun make-ordered-list (start end)
>   (interactive "r")
>   (make-html-list "ol" start end))
> (defun make-unordered-list (start end)
>   (interactive "r")
>   (make-html-list "ul" start end))
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