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cperl-mode: paren-bounce aware of "within quotes or not"? DOC it?

From: David Combs
Subject: cperl-mode: paren-bounce aware of "within quotes or not"? DOC it?
Date: 10 Apr 2006 18:36:20 -0400

cperl-mode: paren-bounce aware of "within quotes or not"?  DOC it?

eg in:  |||print("\nOOPS!!!! (hello\n");|||
, the right-paren (just before the semicolon) paren-balances
the left-paren just after the "print".
That is, the the left-paren WITHIN the quotes is invisible.

But, flip that right-paren left one char, to being inside the
quoted-string, and it instead *now* matches the left-paren
that's *within* the quotes, and leaves one one after the
print UN-matched.

Very nice indeed!

But you'd like to be told of the "(possibly a) mismatch" that's
WITHIN the quotes.   (You don't know that it's really a mismatch --
after all, it might be within the string "Here is a left-paren: (" --
but you'd (maybe) like your attention pointed at that possibility, no?

Here's the dired-line for my cperl-mode:

  -rw-r--r--    1 dkc      other      263359 Mar 25  2005 cperl-mode.el

, from which maybe you can figure out the version.



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