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RE: jump next previous - tag bookmark or search

From: Adam
Subject: RE: jump next previous - tag bookmark or search
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 17:41:36 +1200
User-agent: KNode/0.9.2

Thank you Drew.

Your page-break is probably what I'm looking for, as its quick and simple,
and print formatting is not an issue now. 

I'm only just getting used to outline-minor-mode, C-c @ c-t,  C-c @ c-a,
etc, as per 30.8 of the Emacs manual. 

Invoking outline-minor-mode by itself seems to switch off the highlighting
of Lisp-mode.  There are no equivalent outline functions in slime-mode. So
I have been turning lisp-mode back on after initiating outline-minor-mode. 

Perhaps something like this would be necessary for a local variables list,
at the top of my page; 

     ;;; Local Variables: ***
     ;;; mode:outline-minor ***
     ;;; mode:slime ***
     ;;; mode:lisp ***
     ;;; End: *** 

> Libraries commonly use a page separator (^L) for major sections. Then, you
> can navigate among pages using `C-x ]' (forward-page) and `C-x ['
> (backward-page). You can of course bind F7 and F8 to these commands.
> To insert a Control-L character (^L), use `C-q C-l'.
> Be aware that a page separator can also affect printing.

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