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Re: comment-uncomment-line-or-region.el

From: Andreas Roehler
Subject: Re: comment-uncomment-line-or-region.el
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 21:21:37 +0200
User-agent: KNode/0.9.2

Reiner Steib wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 19 2006, Andreas Roehler wrote:
>> ;; Tries to be a quick commenting/uncommenting
>> ;; facility, as it respects region - active-mark and
>> ;; transient-mark-mode - but doesn't depend on them. If
>> ;; on a line, wanting to comment or uncomment them,
>> ;; you don't have to care if transient-mark-mode is on.
> What's the advantage compared to (the do-what-I-mean behavior
> of)
> `comment-region' [1]?  Especially when using the new temporary
> transient mark mode commands in (to be) Emacs 22? [2]
> [1]
> ,----[ `C-h k M-;' ]
> | M-; runs the command comment-region
> |    which is an interactive autoloaded Lisp function in
> |    `newcomment'.
> | It is bound to M-;.
> | (comment-region BEG END &optional ARG)
> | 
> | Comment or uncomment each line in the region.
> | With just C-u prefix arg, uncomment each line in region BEG
> | .. END. Numeric prefix ARG means use ARG comment characters.
> | If ARG is negative, delete that many comment characters
> | instead. By default, comments start at the left margin, are
> | terminated on each line, even for syntax in which newline
> | does not end the comment and blank lines
> | do not get comments.  This can be changed with
> | `comment-style'.
> | 
> | The strings used as comment starts are built from
> | `comment-start' without trailing spaces and
> | `comment-padding'.
> `----
> [2]
> ,----[ NEWS ]
> | One method is to type C-SPC C-SPC; this enables Transient
> | Mark mode
> | and sets the mark at point.  The other method is to type C-u
> | C-x C-x. This enables Transient Mark mode temporarily but
> | does not alter the mark or the region.
> | 
> | After these commands, Transient Mark mode remains enabled
> | until you
> | deactivate the mark.  That typically happens when you type a
> | command that alters the buffer, but you can also deactivate
> | the mark by typing C-g.
> `----
> Bye, Reiner.
> Crosspost & Followup-To:

The advantage AFAICT: you just don't have to care
for all this mentioned above:

Now switching of transient-mark-mode at all.

On a line, just hit the key.
Two lines? Hit two times or keep it a moment. 

That's all.

You want to mark the region first to see it before?

Fine. It will work.

Beside this `comment-dwim' is a complex command which
covers a range of purposes. I don't intend to
discourage using it if you need it.

But why to start a Mercedes Benz just to roll to the
grocery next corner?

Andreas Roehler

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