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Re: Ediff problem with accents

From: Sébastien Vauban
Subject: Re: Ediff problem with accents
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:14:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Hello Peter,

Sorry for the long delay... but it was impossible for me to make
the wished tests until now.

FYI, I've sanitized my .emacs section about the coding systems
(you'll see an extract beneath), and I've made a lot of

I still have the problem, but here follows a deeper insight on
what I'm experiencing:

    o   if (prefer-coding-system 'iso-latin-9),
        then I see the following when ediff'ing:

        | ^M               |                   |
        | pr\351sente ^M   | présente          |
        | ^M               |                   |
        |                  |                   |
        |-0:%%             |-0\--              |  (modeline)
          iso-latin-9?       iso-latin-9-dos

    o   if (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8),
        then I see the following when ediff'ing:

        | ^M               |                   |
        | pr\351sente ^M   | présente          |
        | ^M               |                   |
        |                  |                   |
        |-u:%%             |-1\--              |
          utf-8?             iso-latin-1-dos

    o   if I don't set any preferred coding system (commented line),
        then I see the following when ediff'ing:

        | ^M               |                   |
        | pr\351sente ^M   | présente          |
        | ^M               |                   |
        |                  |                   |
        |-1\%%             |-1\--              |
          iso-latin-1-dos?   iso-latin-1-dos

To indicate the coding system under the window, I used

    M-x describe-coding-system RET RET

but, for the base version, it states "not set locally, use the
default"; that's why I wrote the default coding system for new
files and put a interrogation mark after (because I'm not sure
this is the correct way to do).

So, you can see that, whatever I do, I can't compare my buffers
in a normal way... I'm completely lost...

THANK YOU very much for any help you could bring me,

PS- As promised, an extract of my .emacs config file:

,----[ my Emacs Init File ]
| (message "26 International Character Set Support...")
| ;; default input method for multilingual text
| (setq default-input-method "latin-9-prefix")
| ;; if you want to use UTF-8 on Emacs 21.3, install Mule-UCS
| (GNUEmacs
|     (try-require 'un-define))
| (add-to-list 'file-coding-system-alist
|              '("\\.owl\\'" utf-8 . utf-8))
| ;; In GNU Emacs, when you specify the coding explicitly in the file, that
| ;; overrides `file-coding-system-alist'. Not in XEmacs?
| ;; ;; default coding system (for new files)
| (GNUEmacs
|     (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8))
| (GNUEmacs
|     ;; to copy and paste outside Emacs
|     (set-clipboard-coding-system 'iso-latin-9))  ;; aka iso-8859-15
| ;; unify the Latin-N charsets, so that Emacs knows that the é in Latin-9
| ;; (with the euro) is the same as the é in Latin-1 (without the euro)
| ;; [avoid the small accentuated characters]
| (when (try-require 'ucs-tables)
|     (unify-8859-on-encoding-mode 1)  ;; harmless
|     (unify-8859-on-decoding-mode 1)) ;; may unexpectedly change files if they
|                                      ;; contain different Latin-N charsets
|                                      ;; which should not be unified
| (when window-system
|   ;; functions for dealing with char tables
|   (require 'disp-table))
| (XEmacs
|     (require 'iso-syntax))
| (message "26 International Character Set Support... Done")

Sébastien Vauban

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