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Re: No User Shell Envir in Emacs via SSH

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: No User Shell Envir in Emacs via SSH
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 19:49:26 -0800
User-agent: Gnus (, GNU Emacs (

Kenneth Jacker wrote:

>       +----------------------------+
>       | Command:  ssh office emacs |
>       +----------------------------+
> The problem, however, is that my office machine's "bash environment"
> isn't included/defined within Emacs.
> Does anyone know what I need to do so that the "exported variables"
> (i.e., environment) defined in my ".bashrc" are also present?

That's a ssh/shell question rather than an Emacs question...

AFAIK, the "ssh <host> <command>" syntax starts a non-login shell on
the remote machine, so it should source ~/.bashrc but not
~/.bash_profile. Putting echo statements at the top of my ~/.bashrc
and ~/.bash_profile files and using 'ssh host true' confirms this.

Maybe you actually need ~/.bash_profile to be sourced, in which case
you can always just try:

ssh office 'source ~/.bash_profile; emacs'

Or maybe you can move statements from ~/.bash_profile to ~/.bashrc if
that makes sense.

Or maybe you have something in your ~/.bashrc that causes processing
to be aborted when sourced by ssh. Eg I have:

[ "$PS1" ] || return

part-way through mine, which means ssh only reads the top part of it.

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