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Re: slrn and emacsclient

From: Maarten Bergvelt
Subject: Re: slrn and emacsclient
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 17:04:34 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

In article <slrnes3ntg.9uu.tyler.smith@blackbart.mynetwork>, Tyler Smith wrote:
> I'm trying to get emacsclient set up as my editor for slrn. This
> arrangment works well for mutt, but it's a little rough with slrn as I
> have it configured.
> Posting from slrn calls emacsclient, but not in mail mode. When I
> finish I have to save the message, kill the buffer, confirm kill the
> buffer even though it still has clients, switch to the slrn window,
> control-c to get past "waiting for Emacs", and then finally post the
> message.
> With mutt I just C-x k the message and switch to the mutt window,
> which is waiting for me to send the message. How do I get the same
> functionality with slrn?
> I know, I should probably be using gnus instead from inside emacs, but
> I couldn't quite get that working. Eventually I'll sort it out, but
> the mutt-like interface of slrn is familiar.
> Oh, and here's the relevant part of my .emacs:
> ;; mutt and mail stuff:
> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/mutt" . mail-mode))
> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/slrn" . mail-mode)) ;; just a guess!
> (defun my-mail-mode-hook ()
>      (auto-fill-mode 1)
>      (abbrev-mode 1)
>      (local-set-key "\C-Xk" 'server-edit))
> (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'my-mail-mode-hook)

I do in my .slrnrc
set editor_command "emacs -nw '%s'"
and I don't have any customization in my .emacs. It just works for me,
after finishing the posting I type C-c C-c and it returns me to slrn,
to send it. 

Same for mutt:
 set editor="emacs -nw"
in .muttrc, no customization for mutt in .emacs. I don't need to switch to the
mutt window, emacs runs in the same terminal as mutt (or slrn).

I think it is distracting to need to move my attention from the
terminal window running slrn/mutt to the emacs window and back.  This
setup works also over ssh, which is very important for me.

Maarten Bergvelt                

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