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Re: C and C++ highlighting is not working properly (font-lock)

From: deccard
Subject: Re: C and C++ highlighting is not working properly (font-lock)
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2007 14:51:37 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

On 30 kesä, 11:34, Enselic <> wrote:
> On 30 Juni, 03:45, deccard <> wrote:
> First of all, font-lock probably assumes proper syntax and sane
> indentation, so fix that first.

The problem occurs also with proper syntax and sane indentation. I had
to use improper syntax and unconventional indentation to point out the
problem better.
> Second of all, it might look more wrong than it is if you have the
> same color for two different fonts.

No, as you can see from the screen shot I use different colors for
font-lock-type-face font-lock-type-face, but for some reason function
highlighting does not appear correctly everywhere.

> When I setup these colors and want full control, I bring up M-x
> customize-group font-lock-faces RET and M-x list-colors-display RET.
> Then I change a font, save the settings, switch to a C++ buffer, look
> at the results, go back to the customization group, change a color,
> save changes, look at result in C++ buffer, etc.
> This way I find that one gets much control over syntax.

Well I don't want to customize my syntax highlighting right now, but I
want the highlighting to work properly.

> Hope this helps in some way,
> - Martin Nordholts

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