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tramp/ange-ftp: error in creation of dir's

From: Martin Steffen
Subject: tramp/ange-ftp: error in creation of dir's
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:36:36 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)


I came to use tramp/ange-ftp again. I have ftp access to some storage, and
tramp comes in handy.  Now it seems some erroneous behavior:

    I cannot create directories in dired mode via
    tramp/ange-ftp ("direct-create-directory")

    I am using tramp with tramp-default-method = "ftp"

Otherwise, I can login, copy files etc, only the creation of
directories does not work. The error message is

mkdir /Volume_1/x
ftp> 550 /Volume_1/x: No such file or directory.


Note that it's not a problem of missing access permissions. In
the command buffer of tramps, which runs the ftp-session, 
I can type in

     ftp>  mkdir somefolder

and it works ok.
I use emacs-version 22.1.1
      tramp-version 2.0.55

Actually, when looking at the command-message buffer, it seems that during
the ftp-session there is something's going wrong, during directory browsing
(with dired). So, the ftp-buffer complains all the time, that the
respective director is not there (see the protocol below). That's strange,
as in the dired-buffer, it seems to work, i.e., I can browse the directory
tree, open files, change them, and store them back. Only in the ftp-command
buffer, tramp/ange-ftp complains that those directories are not there:

ls -al /tmp/ange-ftp3480Z7F
ftp> 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,4,207,17)
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
226 Transfer complete.
quote mdtm /Volume_1/
ftp> 550 /Volume_1: No such file or directory.
quote mdtm /Volume_1/
ftp> 550 /Volume_1: No such file or directory.
ftp> quote mdtm /Volume_1/
550 /Volume_1: No such file or directory.
quote mdtm /Volume_1/
ftp> 550 /Volume_1: No such file or directory.
ftp> quote mdtm /Volume_1/testfolder/

Any help is welcome. Thanks. Martin

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