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Re: Emacs Environment Variables

From: Sven Utcke
Subject: Re: Emacs Environment Variables
Date: 30 Nov 2007 13:25:02 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

David Kastrup <> writes:

> > Maybe our usage-patterns are different?
> More likely our understanding of the context.  I tell people that csh
> sucks for scripting, and they tell me that I am wrong since they don't
> care about scripting.

Strange.  Viewed from this side it looked as if people told you that,
yes, tcsh sucks for scripting (and never, ever, even think about using
csh), but is lovely for interactive use.  To which you seemed to
answer "But what about scripting?"...

So maybe we could agree on

a) [t]csh sucks for any serious scripting (anything containing more
   than maybe a foreach loop, some if's, and some simple variable
   substitutions), in which case bash would be a much better choice.
b) tcsh is just fine (and, depending on taste, maybe even superior to
   bash) for light interactive use...

Which, incidentally, would be how I use the two :-)

  ___ _  _____ ___   Dr.-Ing. Sven Utcke                    ___  ___ _____   __
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| (_ | ' <\__ \__ \  fax  : +49 40 8994-5317 (NEW)         | |) | _|\__ \\ V / 
 \___|_|\_\___|___/    (to come)|___/|___|___/ |_|

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