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Re: What already existing RMAIL or EMACS commands are there to filter al

From: Thierry Volpiatto
Subject: Re: What already existing RMAIL or EMACS commands are there to filter all the email in RMAIL with spamassassin headers indicating spam to a separate file that can be checked anytime for false positives?...
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 12:07:22 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Don Saklad <> writes:

> Thank you! I'm grateful for the hints, tips and pointers.
>           For storing Rmail message in a folder, look at
>           `rmail-automatic-folder-directives'.
>           C-h v rmail-automatic-folder-directives REG
>           For using spam filters with Rmail, put this in your configuration:
>           (require 'rmail-spam-filter)
>           (setq rmail-use-spam-filter t)
>           Then you need to set `rsf-definitions-alist': 
>           M-x customize-variable RET rsf-definitions-alist RET
>           Edit it to deal with spamassassin headers.
> Attempting this hasn't worked out yet. Regrettably,
> while it looked like a good complete explanation for a person with
> a certain expertise, it's problematical for a level of user merely
> using more familiar emacs commands.
> What existing emacs commands are already available, emphasis existing
> and already available without having to set anything?... for filtering
> all the email in RMAIL with spamassassin headers indicating spam to a
> separate file that can be checked anytime for false positives?

Use fetchmail ==> procmail+spamassassin ==> RMAIL, gnus or what you want

fetchmail get the mails from your server and give the mails to procmail;

procmail use spamassassin to filter the mails and put the mails in your
mail-source directory.

RMAIL or gnus or anything else read the mails from mail-source directory.

A + Thierry
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