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Re: Checking if all values of a list are true

From: Joost Kremers
Subject: Re: Checking if all values of a list are true
Date: 11 Jul 2008 11:56:16 GMT
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

Nordlöw wrote:
> It would be even better if Emacs already had a function typically
> named any-p(arg-list) that returned t if all values in arg-list are
> non-nil.

(defmacro all-true (lst)
  `(and ,@lst)

AND is not a function (or a macro) but a special form. in my emacs (GNU
Emacs, (functionp and) returns nil, not t. which is presumably
why functions such as reduce, funcall, mapcar etc. do not accept it as an

Joost Kremers                            
Selbst in die Unterwelt dringt durch Spalten Licht

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