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Re: How can I make my caps lock key act like a control key?

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: How can I make my caps lock key act like a control key?
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 08:26:39 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1008 (Gnus v5.10.8) Emacs/22.2 (gnu/linux)

emacs615 <> writes:

> Hi,
> I am having trouble mapping my caps lock key to control key in my linux
> shell(NOT X). I want both the control and caps lock keys to act like control
> keys.  I've tried using loadkeys and I'm not getting errors, but I can't get
> it to work.  I've used dumpkeys to get a keymap, edited the map to where
> both the caps lock and control keys have the same key code (58 i think).  I
> then load this map with loadkeys and there are no errors but nothing
> happens.  I tried opening a new shell just in case and still no changes have
> occurred.
> Help on this issue would be appreciated.

It's not the linux shell, it's the linux console virtual terminals.
As you know, you will have to use loadkeys (and not xmodmap).

Make a copy of your prefered map (dumpkeys is ok), and edit it.  My
capslock was near the 'a' key, so I replaced it with Control (keycode

keycode  29 = Control
keycode  30 = a
keycode  31 = s
keycode  32 = d
keycode  33 = f
keycode  34 = g
keycode  35 = h
keycode  36 = j
keycode  37 = k
keycode  38 = l
keycode  39 = semicolon        colon
        alt     keycode  39 = Meta_semicolon

This maps the keys of the keyboard, each having a unique keycode,  on
the left, to the meaning of the key, on the right.

Unix shells are just programs like any other.  They're not terminals.
Keyboards are managed by terminals, be them real or virtual.

__Pascal Bourguignon__           

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