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Re: Conditional compilation to avoid "assignment to free variable"

From: Chetan
Subject: Re: Conditional compilation to avoid "assignment to free variable"
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:11:14 -0700
User-agent: Emacs Gnus

Michael Hoffman <> writes:

> I use the same .emacs file on multiple systems, and each have various packages
> installed. There are various forms in my .emacs to only interact with these
> packages if they are actually installed:
> (when (locate-library "auctex")
>   (load "auctex.el" nil t t)
>   (setq TeX-auto-save t))
> When I byte-compile, however, I get a warning like this:
> emacs.el:320:9:Warning: assignment to free variable `TeX-auto-save'
> Is there a way to skip over that form at compile time if the library cannot be
> found? I tried various permutations of using eval-when-compile, but I still 
> get
> the warning.
> I suppose the other solution is to wrap the setq in a boundp check, but this
> seems silly as the result of the boundp check will be the same as the result 
> of
> locate-library.
> In this case, I may be able to use a custom variable instead but I am looking
> for a more general solution.
I don't have auctex installed, so I cannot check. However, I am
wondering, what is this variable used for? Does tex mode not use
auto-save-mode? Or if it is for saving file before running tex, does is
not use the compile infrastructure?


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