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RE: Info nodes titles font size customization

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Info nodes titles font size customization
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 09:42:11 -0700

> > Is it possible, and how?
> Position the cursor on one of the characters and type C-u C-x =. In  
> the *Help* buffer you'll see the character's (and title's) face name  
> reported, which you can customise

Yes, that's how to find out about nearly any face you want to customize. And
`M-x customize-face' is how to customize one. Or click the face-name link near
the end of the `C-u C-x =' display, then click the `(customize this face)' link
near the top of the *Help* display.


The info title faces are:
info-title-1, info-title-2,
info-title-3, and info-title-4.

Or, in Emacs prior to release 22:
Info-title-1-face, Info-title-2-face,
Info-title-3-face, and Info-title-4-face.

Additional Info faces you can customize:

info-header-node  - nodes in header
info-header-xref  - cross references in header
info-menu-header  - menu titles (headers)
info-menu-star    - every 3rd menu item
 (see `info-menu-5' prior to Emacs 22)
info-node             - node names
info-xref         - unvisited cross-references
info-xref-visited - previously visited cross-references


If you use library `info+.el', there are
more Info faces that you can customize:

 info-quoted-name - quoted names (`...')
 info-string      - strings ("...")
 info-menu        - menu items
 info-file        - file heading labels

And for reference items in the Elisp manual,
you can customize these faces:

 info-elisp-user-option-ref-item  - label `User Option'
 info-elisp-variable-ref-item     - label `Variable'
 info-elisp-command-ref-item      - label `Command'
 info-elisp-function-ref-item     - label `Function'
 info-elisp-macro-ref-item        - label `Macro'
 info-elisp-special-form-ref-item - label `Special Form'
 info-elisp-syntax-class-item     - label `Syntax Class'
 info-elisp-reference-item        - other reference labels

`info+.el' is here:

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