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Re: Size of emacs window can't exceed 59 in height

From: Chetan
Subject: Re: Size of emacs window can't exceed 59 in height
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 07:16:53 -0700
User-agent: Emacs Gnus

Tim X <> writes:

> Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa@Web.DE> writes:
>> Am 09.10.2008 um 01:20 schrieb Chetan:
>>> I do not set anything in the default-frame-alist except for the font.
>>> The alist is initialized the way it is because of other functions I
>>> call. The width and height are the values coming from the command
>>> line.
>> The latter sounds very reasonable: why use some special code to give GNU
>> Emacs the desired frame size and position when there are the *- 
>> frame-alists?
>>> I checked the NEWS file after I found this, but it seems to say that
>>> the position values are used for the initial frame.
>> If there are *no* particular initial-frame-alist settings, then the
>> default-frame-alist settings (also) apply for the first or initial  frame.
>>> At first I thought it was a bug, but since it works from shell, there
>>> is something else at play.
>> Launching GNU Emacs with -Q (i.e. not loading system and user init files)
>> allows you to examine the problem – and find and describe a  possible
>> bug. But beware: in windowing systems' environments there  can be settings
>> in (X11) resource or (MS) registry files that impose  on their clients some
>> behaviour (position, size) when nothing else is  given ...
> this is particularly true of certain window managers under X. For
> example, I have heard of others with problems regarding setting of
> colours, position and size with KDE. This was some time ago and KDE has
> gone under considerable changes, but I'd certainly be looking under KDE
> settings if you are finding that Xresources and/or command line geometry
> settings don't appear to be working as expected and you are using KDE as
> your wm. Same goes for some key bindings - people often struggle trying
> to work out why emacs key bindings are not working only to find that the
> key event is being stolen by the window manager.
> Tim

Yes, so many possibilities for things to get screwed up.


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