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Re: ^M characters

From: Xah
Subject: Re: ^M characters
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:25:02 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Oct 22, 1:29 pm, Corey Foote <> wrote:
> I copied some text into an email buffer, but
> each line ends with a funny colored character that looks like ^M. What are
> these characters? How can I remove them without having to manually delete each
> one? And how can I insert one myself?

^M is a standard notation for the ascii 13 char named Carriage Return.

Today, this notation has fallen out of use, unfamiliar to probably 99%
of professional programers.

For detail, see:

The Confusion of Emacs's Keystroke Representation

When you paste some code involving different EOL char, most editor
deal with this by simply converting them to your current EOL. Usually
they have a preference setting to indicate whether you want this to
happen automatically or literal. I think emacs should also adapt this

To replace these unprintable chars, you can use any of the emacs's
find/replace command (e.g. “query-replace”), and type Ctrl+q when you
want to input unprintable or un-typable chars. Alternatively, you can
change the buffer's file encoding. See:

Q: How to change file line endings between Mac/Dos/Unix?

A: Open the file, then do “Alt+x set-buffer-file-coding-system” (Ctrl-
x RET f). Give it a value of mac, dos, unix. Then, when you save the
file, it'll be saved with the proper encoding for newlines.

Note: Unixes (including Linuxes and Mac OS X) uses LF (ascii 10; line
feed) for newline. Mac OS Classic uses CR (ascii 13; carriage return)
for newline. (Mac OS X prefers LF but accepts CR too) Windows uses CR
followed by LF ("\r\n") for its newline char. See wikipedia newline↗
for detail.

To do it batch on a list of files, use the following lisp code:

(defun to-unix-eol (fpath)
  "Change file's line ending to unix convention."
  (let (mybuffer)
    (setq mybuffer (find-file fpath))
    (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'unix) ; or 'mac or 'dos
    (kill-buffer mybuffer)

(mapc 'to-unix-eol
; ...

To use the code, first edit the list of files above. Then, select all
the code, type “Alt+x eval-region”. That's it.

If you want the function to work on marked files in dired, then use
the following code:

(defun dired-2unix-marked-files ()
  "Change to unix line ending for marked (or next arg) files."
  (mapc 'to-unix-eol (dired-get-marked-files))

Select the code and do “Alt+x eval-region”, then “Alt+x dired”, then
press “m” to mark the files you want, then do “Alt+x dired-dos2unix-


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