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Re: Embedding external application in emacs (or using emacs to control e

From: Thorsten Bonow
Subject: Re: Embedding external application in emacs (or using emacs to control exeternal application)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 20:19:17 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1008 (Gnus v5.10.8) XEmacs/21.4.21 (linux)

>>>>> "Corey" == Corey Foote <> writes:

    >> I don't think your first scenario is possible, but here I'm way out of my
    >> depth. Just guessing because I don't know of any other "embedded" app.
    Corey> What modifications to Emacs would be necessary to make it possible? 
    Corey> (I'm guessing this would have to be done in C.)

Uh oh, big ones, I guess ;-)

The (upcoming?) Emacs 23 supports the XEmbed specification. I'm quoting from the
"News file:

      "You can embed Emacs in another application on X11.  The new command line
      option --parent-id is used to pass the parent window id to Emacs.  See for
      details about XEmbed."

But I don't think that this implies the other way round, the case that you want.

This is out of my league, maybe you should post this on the developer mailing


PS: Please don't eMail me your postings. I have a lot and important work to do,
    therefore checking my news on a 5 minute basis ;-)

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