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pymacs & interactivel isp functions

From: Matt Price
Subject: pymacs & interactivel isp functions
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:16:29 -0500


still having trouble with my interactive query to evolution.  python has
evolution bindings so i thought it would be nice to integrate python and
emacs using pymacs.  i'm running into an issuethat i think is pymacs'
fault, i'm hoping someone on the list uses pymacs and can help.  

i wrote this little python function, which returns a list of names and

def return_addresslist (queryterm):
    results =
    names =[]
    for record in results:
        name = str(record.get_name())
        print type(name)
        address = str(record.get_property('email_1'))
        names.append(name + " " + "<" + address +">")
        for i in ["2","3"]:
            if record.get_property('email_' + i):
                 address = record.get_property('email_' + i)
                 record.get_property('email_' + i)
                 names.append(name + ' '+ "<" + address +">")
    return names

then in an elisp file, i try e.g.:
(pymacs-load "edsquery")
(setq collection (edsquery-return-addresslist "matt"))

which assigns this value to collection:
("Matt Price <>" "Matt Price <>" 
"Matthew Garrett <>" "Matt Zimmerman <>" 
"Matt Fontaine <>" "Matt Wilks 
<>" "Matthew Yates <>" 
"Matthew Flaschen <>" "Matthew Vermeulen 
<>" "Matthew East <>" "matthewreedy 
<>" "Matthias Dörries 
<>" ...)

my problem comes with a test function that triesto use the results of a
query as a collection for tab-completion:

(defun matt/external-addressbook-completion (stub)
"get a list of addresses for tab-completion in a new email"
  (interactive (list (completing-read "Name: "
                                      (edsquery-return-addresslist (string))
;;                                    collection
                                      nil t))))

the function works properly if i use the list "collection" generated as
above, but does not give any completion options if the python function
is called instead.  

in the *Pymacs* buffer i noticesomething that seems important.  when i
call the python function direction with (edsquery-python-addressbook
"matt), i have this message:
>23     eval python[1]("matt")
<600 (return '("Matt Price <>" "Matt Price 
<>" "Matthew Garrett <>" "Matt Zimmerman 
<>" "Matt Fontaine <>" "Matt Wilks 
<>" "Matthew Yates <>" 
"Matthew Flaschen <>" "Matthew Vermeulen 
<>" "Matthew East <>" "matthewreedy 
<>" "Matthias D\303\266rries 
<>" "Matt Davey <>" 
"Matt Price <>"))

but when calling from completing-read, i get this instead:

>19     eval python[1]("")
<14     (return 'nil)

to me it seems that the completion function isn't being sent the input
string.  but i can't understand why this should be, as identical syntax
works with straight lisp functions.  
Matt Price

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