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Re: howto bundle smtpmail.el with emacs

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: Re: howto bundle smtpmail.el with emacs
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 22:17:38 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

On Thu, Dec 11 2008, Tassilo Horn wrote:

> laszo <> writes:
> Hi!
>> when i send a mail ,the *Message* buffer says: 
>> Sending...
>> Sending via mail...
>> Loading d:/emacs/site-lisp/gnus/contrib/smtpmail.el (source)...
>> progn: Please use `smtpmail.el' bundled with Emacs.
>> What can i do please?
> Add
>   (load "d:/emacs/site-lisp/gnus/contrib/smtpmail.el")
> to your ~/.gnus.el.

No, quite the contrary!  Laszo should *not* load the file from contrib
unless he uses Emacs < 22.

,----[ contrib/README ]
| The files in this directory are not (yet) part of the Gnus
| distribution proper.  They may later become part of the
| distribution, or they may disappear altogether.
| Please note that it is NOT good to just add this directory to
| `load-path': a number of files in this directory will become part of
| more recent Emacs versions, so that you might be running obsolete
| libraries with all kinds of ill effects
| (cf. `list-load-path-shadows').
| The suggested method for installation is to copy those files that
| you need to a directory which is in `load-path'.
| Here is an overview of the files:
| [...]
| sendmail.el
| smtpmail.el
|       Copies of the corresponding files from the Emacs lisp/mail/ directory,
|       to provide features (occasionally) needed by Gnus which may not be
|       provided by the versions of these files in older Emacs distributions
|       (Emacs < 22).  XEmacs users should NOT use this, since it doesn't work.
|       See the XEmacs mail-lib module instead.
| [...]

,----[ contrib/smtpmail.el ]
| ;; This version of `smtpmail.el' should only be used with Emacs 21.
| (if (featurep 'xemacs)
|     (error "Please use `smtpmail.el' from the mail-lib package.")
|   (when (>= emacs-major-version 22)
|     (error "Please use `smtpmail.el' bundled with Emacs.")))

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |

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