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Convert UTF-8

Subject: Convert UTF-8
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:05:14 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0


I have a Emacs 22.3.1 for Windows XP, and there is a file encoded in
ASCII. I am trying to read the file and convert it to UTF-8 with

I have tried

M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system

and set up utf-8 and check it has changed to 'u' in status bar, and
since buffer has changed, it shows '**' as well.

So, I write the file using "C-x s".

It seems to fine. So, I exit the emacs, and rerun the emacs again and
read the file, too. However, the file is not converted at all.

Here is when I did "describe-current-coding-system"


Coding system for saving this buffer:
  - -- undecided-dos

Default coding system (for new files):
  u -- mule-utf-8 (alias: utf-8)

Coding system for keyboard input:
  * -- cp1252 (alias of windows-1252)

Coding system for terminal output:
  * -- cp1252 (alias of windows-1252)

Defaults for subprocess I/O:
  decoding: u -- mule-utf-8-dos

  encoding: u -- mule-utf-8-unix

Priority order for recognizing coding systems when reading files:
  1. mule-utf-8 (alias: utf-8)
  2. iso-latin-1 (alias: iso-8859-1 latin-1)
  3. mule-utf-16be-with-signature (alias: utf-16be-with-signature mule-
utf-16-be utf-16-be)
  4. mule-utf-16le-with-signature (alias: utf-16le-with-signature mule-
utf-16-le utf-16-le)
  5. iso-2022-jp (alias: junet)
  6. iso-2022-7bit
  7. iso-2022-7bit-lock (alias: iso-2022-int-1)
  8. iso-2022-8bit-ss2
  9. emacs-mule
  10. raw-text
  11. japanese-shift-jis (alias: shift_jis sjis cp932)
  12. chinese-big5 (alias: big5 cn-big5 cp950)
  13. no-conversion

  Other coding systems cannot be distinguished automatically
  from these, and therefore cannot be recognized automatically
  with the present coding system priorities.

  The following are decoded correctly but recognized as iso-2022-7bit-
    iso-2022-7bit-ss2 iso-2022-7bit-lock-ss2 iso-2022-cn iso-2022-cn-
ext iso-2022-jp-2 iso-2022-kr

Particular coding systems specified for certain file names:

  ---------     --------------          ----------------
  File I/O      "\\.dz\\'"              (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                                        (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.tgz\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.tbz\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                                        (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                                        (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.elc\\'"             (emacs-mule . emacs-mule)
                "\\.utf\\(-8\\)?\\'"    utf-8
                                        (raw-text . raw-text-unix)
                "\\.tar\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                ""                      find-buffer-file-type-coding-system
  Process I/O   "[pP][lL][iI][nN][kK]"  (undecided-dos . undecided-dos)
                                        (undecided-dos . undecided-dos)
  Network I/O   nothing specified

Do you know how to convert a file to UTF-8 using emacs, please?

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