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Re: How to choose the right emacs on Ubuntu Linux

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: How to choose the right emacs on Ubuntu Linux
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 21:34:07 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101207 Thunderbird/3.1.7

On 11/13/10 7:35 AM, Tyler Smith wrote:
If you don't like the GUI features of the GTK emacs, you can turn them
off. I have the following in my .emacs:

(menu-bar-mode -1)
(fringe-mode 1)

and I've disabled the toolbar-mode and scroll-bar-mode using the
customize-variable stuff. This gets rid of all the GUI distractions, but
you can still use the alt/meta key, which is tricky to do with emacs-nox
(at least it was tricky to me last time I tried to do so).

From etc/PROBLEMS:

   ... you might also want to consider
   switching off scroll bars, menu bar, and tool bar.  Adding the
   following forms to your .emacs file will accomplish that, but only
   after the the initial frame is displayed:

    (scroll-bar-mode -1)
    (menu-bar-mode -1)
    (tool-bar-mode -1)

   For still quicker startup, put these X resources in your .Xdefaults

    Emacs.verticalScrollBars: off
    Emacs.menuBar: off
    Emacs.toolBar: off

But I haven't been able to find out how to turn off fringe mode via X
resources -- is that a missing feature or a documentation bug?

Kevin Rodgers
Denver, Colorado, USA

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