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Re: Invisible mouse cursor with black background

From: Bernardo
Subject: Re: Invisible mouse cursor with black background
Date: Tue, 08 May 2012 22:13:53 +1000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100228)

The mouse cursor when over text is a thin I-beam, perhaps two pixels wide, black and white. Needless to say it is almost invisible and in bright ambient light, completely invisible. How can I change the colour and/or shape of the pointer (preferably both)?

I had a similar problem on the terminal and was able to replace the I-beam resource file with one I created myself. I'm hoping something similar is possible for Emacs.

did you try setting the cursor-type variable?

i must be tired, just realised the question is about the *mouse* pointer

as for colour, i have this in my .emacs:
| (setq default-frame-alist
|       '((foreground-color . "black")
|         (cursor-color     . "Coral")
|         ; .... other settings
|         ))

(mouse-color . "Coral")
should work above

for the shape have a look at
M-: (info "(Elisp)Pointer Shape")

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