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Re: Set initial buffer to eshell

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Set initial buffer to eshell
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 23:59:15 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)

Jens Teich <> writes:

>> I was wondering what the easiest change I could make to my
>> .emacs file to set the initial buffer to the eshell. I messed
>> around a little bit with initial-buffer-choice but this only
>> seemed helpful for launching to certain files.
> (eshell)

Yes, but beware, if you do changes to .emacs, and want to
effectuate them en masse, you can't `M-x load-file RET` - well,
you can, but then you will invoke the eshell which probably wasn't
what you wanted, and especially not as it was started on startup
and I suspect you not to shut it down until you shut down Emacs.

I guess something like this would do the trick, at least if you
(like me) are not a functional programming zealot and thus have no
problems with globals or side-effects.

(defvar *has-started* nil)
(if (not *has-started*)
      (setq *has-started* t)
      (eshell) ))

And, everything can of course be avoided if you, when you change
.emacs, effectuate it defun by defun with `eval-defun' or

Emanuel Berg - programmer (hire me! CV below)
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