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ERC and Emacs client/server connection issues

From: Joseph Mingrone
Subject: ERC and Emacs client/server connection issues
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 15:43:36 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (berkeley-unix)


I keep an Emacs server running on my desktop at work.  It stays on all
the time and I connect to it remotely with the Emacs client.  In ERC, if
the Emacs client is having trouble connecting to the Emacs server
(e.g. laptop lost wifi connection), ERC seems to "decide" it is having
connection problems and will disconnect from the IRC server or try to
reconnect if I set erc-server-auto-reconnect.  Automatically
reconnecting isn't a good solution because some channels kick me and I
have problems with NickServ on Freenode.

How can I avoid these connection issues when only the Emacs client is
having problems connecting to the Emacs server, but the Emacs server
running ERC has no connection problems with the IRC server?  Below are
potentially relevant ERC configurations from the custom set variables
section of my init.el.



 '(erc-autoaway-mode nil)
 '(erc-connect-pre-hook (quote (erc-track-minor-mode-maybe erc-spelling-init 
erc-initialize-log-marker erc-log-setup-logging)))
 '(erc-disconnected-hook (quote (erc-modified-channels-update 
 '(erc-email-userid "aaaaaa")
 '(erc-fill-column 144)
 '(erc-insert-modify-hook (quote (erc-controls-highlight erc-fill 
erc-button-add-buttons erc-match-message erc-add-timestamp)))
 '(erc-insert-post-hook (quote (erc-track-modified-channels 
 '(erc-insert-timestamp-function (quote erc-insert-timestamp-left-and-right))
 '(erc-kill-buffer-hook (quote (erc-save-buffer-in-logs)))
 '(erc-kill-channel-hook (quote (erc-save-buffer-in-logs erc-kill-channel)))
 '(erc-log-channels-directory "~/.emacs.d/.erc/logs")
 '(erc-log-write-after-insert t)
 '(erc-log-write-after-send t)
 '(erc-mode-hook (quote (erc-munge-invisibility-spec erc-move-to-prompt-setup 
pcomplete-erc-setup erc-button-setup erc-imenu-setup)))
 '(erc-modules (quote (autojoin button completion fill irccontrols list log 
match menu move-to-prompt netsplit networks noncommands readonly ring services 
stamp spelling track)))
 '(erc-nick nil)
 '(erc-nickserv-identified-hook (quote (erc-autojoin-after-ident)))
 '(erc-part-hook (quote (erc-conditional-save-buffer)))
 '(erc-port 6697)
 '(erc-prompt-for-nickserv-password nil)
 '(erc-prompt-for-password nil)
 '(erc-quit-hook (quote (erc-conditional-save-queries)))
 '(erc-save-buffer-on-part nil)
 '(erc-save-queries-on-quit nil)
 '(erc-send-modify-hook (quote (erc-controls-highlight erc-fill 
erc-button-add-buttons erc-add-timestamp)))
 '(erc-send-post-hook (quote (erc-make-read-only)))
 '(erc-send-pre-hook (quote (erc-add-to-input-ring 
 '(erc-server "")
 '(erc-server-auto-reconnect t)
 '(erc-services-mode t)
 '(erc-spelling-mode t)
 '(erc-stamp-mode t)
 '(erc-startup-file-list (quote ("~/.emacs.d/erc.el")))
 '(erc-tex-mode nil)
 '(erc-timer-hook (quote (erc-netsplit-timer)))
 '(erc-timestamp-format "%c")
 '(erc-track-exclude-server-buffer t)
 '(erc-track-exclude-types (quote ("JOIN" "NICK" "PART" "QUIT" "333" "353" 
"305" "306")))
 '(erc-track-showcount t)
 '(erc-truncate-mode t)

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