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Re: porting crufty old init.el to package management

From: Thorsten Jolitz
Subject: Re: porting crufty old init.el to package management
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:25:31 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Tom Roche <> writes:

> I'm wondering, would anyone care to recommend especially worthy docs
> for this process (guides, howto's, tutorials)? esp how best to
> accommodate snippets of elisp (gists?)

If you think of your init file more as '(comment)text with code',
Org-Babel and the associated starter-kit
( are definitely worth a

OTOH, if you think of your init file more as 'code with (comment)text',
then using outshine.el might be more comfortable

Here is how I currently structure my init.el with outshine headlines
(that allow for much of Org-mode's navigation, visibility cycling and
structure editing functionality):

| 98 matches for "^;; \*\*?\*?\*? " in buffer: init.el
|       1:;; * init.el --- Emacs Init File (TJ)
|       5:;; * Begin Startup
|      16:;; * General Configurations
|      20:;; ** Coding System
|      30:;; ** Screen Colors
|      50:;; ** Global Settings
|      80:;; ** Global Keys
|      91:;; ** Define Aliases
|     114:;; ** Load Path
|     116:;; *** Load-Path Enhancement
|     150:;; *** Library Search
|     201:;; ** Package Manager
|     207:;; * Helper functions
|     211:;; ** Improved Require
|     236:;; ** Idle Require
|     262:;; ** Fast Temporary Buffers
|     272:;; ** Elisp Symbols
|     331:;; ** Files and Directories
|     357:;; ** Window Split
|     408:;; ** Scratch Buffer
|     419:;; ** Truncate Lines
|     431:;; ** Recentf with Ido
|     453:;; * Major Modes
|     457:;; ** Org
|     461:;; *** General
|     463:;; **** Configuration
|     508:;; **** Functions
|     545:;; *** Hyperlinks
|     547:;; **** Configuration 
|     556:;; *** Properties and Columns
|     558:;; **** Configuration 
|     568:;; *** Exporting
|     570:;; **** Configuration 
|     577:;; *** Timestamps
|     579:;; **** Configuration 
|     584:;; **** Functions
|     607:;; *** Tags
|     609:;; **** Configuration 
|     639:;; *** Clocking
|     641:;; **** Configuration 
|     703:;; **** Functions
|     833:;; *** Capturing
|     835:;; **** Configuration
|     861:;; *** Projects
|     863:;; **** Functions
|    1062:;; *** Archiving
|    1064:;; **** Configuration 
|    1069:;; **** Functions
|    1109:;; *** Agenda
|    1111:;; **** Configuration 
|    1352:;; **** Functions
|    1537:;; *** Refile
|    1539:;; **** Configuration 
|    1577:;; **** Functions
|    1585:;; *** Org-Babel
|    1587:;; **** Configuration
|    1651:;; **** Functions
|    1658:;; *** Skeletons
|    1660:;; **** Abbreviations
|    1676:;; **** Definitions
|    1721:;; *** Keybindings
|    1729:;; ** LaTeX
|    1733:;; *** Configuration
|    1821:;; *** Functions
|    1823:;; ** Calendar 
|    1831:;; ** PicoLisp
|    1865:;; ** Slime
|    1912:;; ** Scala
|    1919:;; ** Dired
|    1964:;; ** IRC
|    1980:;; ** Message
|    1986:;; ** Magit
|    1993:;; ** W3M
|    1997:;; *** Configurations
|    2090:;; *** Functions
|    2097:;; ** Ediff
|    2151:;; ** Occur
|    2153:;; *** Configurations
|    2165:;; *** Functions
|    2193:;; * Minor Modes
|    2197:;; ** Outline
|    2221:;; ** Ido
|    2259:;; ** Smex
|    2278:;; ** S
|    2284:;; ** Undo Tree Mode
|    2294:;; ** Rebox2
|    2307:;; ** Rainbow Delimiters
|    2314:;; ** Auto Pair
|    2320:;; ** Eldoc
|    2328:;; ** Logito
|    2335:;; ** Openwith
|    2352:;; ** Workgroups
|    2362:;; ** Switch Windows
|    2368:;; ** Window Numbering
|    2375:;; ** Winner Mode
|    2386:;; ** Nuke'n Eval 
|    2398:;; * End Startup
|    2412:;; * Custom Set Variables/Fonts


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