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Re: a dark theme?

From: Glyn Millington
Subject: Re: a dark theme?
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:38:16 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> Emanuel Berg <> writes:
>> Sharon Kimble <> writes:
>>> I'm hoping that someone can advise me, I'm looking
>>> for a theme to use with emacs and gnus which has a
>>> dark background, but also allows me to read all the
>>> text in a gmail which currently appears as
>>> nearly-white on a slightly-grey background.
>> "All the text in a gmail"?
>> To get a default bright-on-dark "theme" (which I highly
>> recommend to reduce eye strain) simply evaluate this:
>> (set-face-attribute 'default nil
>>                     :foreground "cyan"
>>                     :background "black"
>>                     :bold nil)
>> Change "cyan" to whatever fits you the best. I use a
>> Linux VT/tty/"the console" and you probably use X. That
>> means I can't help you with the colors, but try
>> "green", "blue", etc. See if you can find something you
>> like; if not, dig deeper. Probably you don't won't bold
>> for ordinary text, save that option for faces that
>> highlight stuff (headers, keywords, and so on).
>> If you run into some text that you don't like the color
>> of, use this defun to identify the face:
>> (defun what-face (pos)
>>   (interactive "d")
>>   (let ((face (or (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
>>                   (get-char-property (point) 'face))))
>>     (if face (message " Face: %s" face)
>>       (message " No face at %d." pos) )))
> Thanks for this Emanuel, I've doctored my init.el and put the above in
> it, at the end, which is where I always put temporary/testing code,
> unless it goes into my setup-testing.el. I then ran it when my mouse was
> on the problem text in a gmail, and this is what it found -
> ╭────
> │Face: ((:foreground #5e5e5e) (:foreground #5e5e5e) (:background #727272))
> ╰────
> Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but how can I customise that? Its got
> no name or handle that I can hook on to!

This looks like rather hard work!

If you move the cursor to the text whose face you would like to customize
and do M-x customize-face, the emacs offers you the face at point to be
customized eg.

Customize face (default `gnus-cite-2'):

Just hit return  and you will be taken into the Customize menu for that
face.  Or  use that face name for the magic you want to work in init.el

Emacs 24.3.1 here on Linux



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