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Re: fill-paragraph with pre and postfix

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: fill-paragraph with pre and postfix
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:48:12 +1100

Jacob Gerlach writes:

> 3 .
> blk("This is a sentence ")
> blk("stretching over    ")
> blk("three lines.       ")
> #3 Is exactly what I'm looking for

Okay, so i think the following is roughly what you're after; for
increased clarity, it makes use of Magnar Sveen's string-manipulation
library s.el (, available via both MELPA
and Marmalade):

    (require 's)
    (defun format-paragraph ()
      (let* ((leading "blk(\"")
             (trailing "\")\n")
             (width 65)
             (para-start (save-excursion
             (para-end (save-excursion
             (para (s-replace
                    "\n" " "
                     (buffer-substring-no-properties para-start para-end))))
             (line "")
             (result ""))
        (while (not (string= "" para))
          (let ((w (if (> (length para) width)
                     (length para))))
            (setq line (substring para 0 w))
            (if (and (> (length para) width) 
                     (string-match "[^[:space:]]+$" line))
                (setq w (match-beginning 0))
              (setq w (length para)))
            (setq line (s-pad-right width " " (substring para 0 w)))
            (setq result (concat result leading line trailing))
            (setq para (substring para w))))
          (kill-region para-start para-end)
          (goto-char (1+ para-start))
          (insert result))))

Hope that helps!


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