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Re: forward/backward-sentence in programming modes

From: Raffaele Ricciardi
Subject: Re: forward/backward-sentence in programming modes
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 18:20:30 +0100
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On 05/12/14 23:44, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
But what about, say,
Python or C mode or other ones?

In Python Mode (from "python.el"):
 - M-a runs the command python-nav-backward-block
 - M-e runs the command python-nav-forward-block
 - M-k runs the command kill-sentence

For consistency, M-k could kill to the end of block, instead. Here is an idea:


(defun point-after/rr ($movement-command &rest $args)
"Return what the value of point would be after executing $MOVEMENT-COMMAND
with $ARGS."
    (apply $movement-command $args)

(defun python-kill-block/rr (&optional $arg)
  "Kill from point to end of Python block.  It doesn't fix indentation.

With $ARG, repeat.  With negative argument, kill $ARG times
backward to previous Python block."
  (interactive "p")
  (or $arg (setq $arg 1))
  (kill-region (point)
               (point-after/rr #'python-nav-forward-block $arg)))

(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "M-k") #'python-kill-block/rr)


> Any ideas?

Context-sensitive versions of M-a and M-e could deal with sentences when in comments or strings, and do something else in code (like Python Mode does).

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