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Emacs Flycheck erlang include path

From: yikang zhuo
Subject: Emacs Flycheck erlang include path
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:42:03 +0800

hello, flycheck is very good ,but it can't find my include path

i try to change

(flycheck-define-checker erlang "An Erlang syntax checker using the Erlang
interpreter.See URL `'." :command ("erlc" "-o"
temporary-directory "-Wall" source) :error-patterns ((warning line-start
(file-name) ":" line ": Warning:" (message) line-end) (error line-start
(file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end)) :modes erlang-mode)

to =>>>>

(flycheck-define-checker erlang
  "An Erlang syntax checker using the Erlang interpreter.
See URL `'."
  :command ("erlc" "-I ../include/ -I ../../include/ -I ../../../include/"
"-o" temporary-directory  "-Wall" source)
  ((warning line-start (file-name) ":" line ": Warning:" (message) line-end)
   (error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": " (message) line-end))
  :modes erlang-mode)

but i won't work and very angly.

anybody have any good ideal ? thanks for share.

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