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Re: Cleaning up message headers in forwarded Gnus messages

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Cleaning up message headers in forwarded Gnus messages
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:33:00 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux) (Tory S. Anderson) writes:

> Gnus seems to make very cluttered forwarded
> messages. I thought the answer would be in the
> following: ;; cleanup forwarded messages (setq
> message-forward-ignored-headers ".*") But I still
> end up with the following at the beginning of my
> forwarded content, as it displays in the gmail web
> interface (seems to be hidden in Gnus, but not for
> my non-Gnus recipients). (ignore the beginning >)

Try this - first

    (setq message-forward-ignored-headers ".*")


    C-u M-x gnus-summary-mail-forward RET

The ARG will be 4, and you get an "inline" version,
which should be sensible to
`message-forward-ignored-headers', if we are to
believe the help:

    if ARG is nil, see `message-forward-as-mime' and `message-forward-show-mml';
    if ARG is 1, decode the message and forward directly inline;
    if ARG is 2, forward message as an rfc822 MIME section;
    if ARG is 3, decode message and forward as an rfc822 MIME section;
    if ARG is 4, forward message directly inline;
    otherwise, use flipped `message-forward-as-mime'.
    If POST, post instead of mail.
    For the "inline" alternatives, also see the variable

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