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~`symbol-function' to get code as list even when byte-compiled?

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: ~`symbol-function' to get code as list even when byte-compiled?
Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 04:52:55 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.4 (gnu/linux)

(re-search-forward "^Question")

Here is some interesting code. What's interesting is:
when this code executes, it changes itself, i.e.
the code changes the code!

But it isn't a macro which is a program that produces
a new program based on its own logic and non-evaluated
input data.

On the contrary, here we deal all with ordinary
functions (defuns) where one changes the other.
Does that always happen? No - only when it is needed!

See the entire code here [1]. Go there if you want to
see this in execution as it probably is based on some
other functions as well. The below code is for display
purposes ONLY!

Question: this is all working thanks to
`symbol-function' which is used to get the code of the
function as data, so it can be examined and
manipulated. However, if I byte-compile the code
(which I always do), `symbol-function' doesn't return
a lambda function which is also a list, but instead
just a function #[...] which isn't a list. So then it
doesn't work!

I was able to do a workaround with `load-file' in
.emacs to get all the functions in the file in
evaluated form. But, can I do that specifically for
a named function, *or*, can I extract the code in list
format somehow even if compiled?

(symbol-function jump)

(defun enable-jump (jump)
  (add-hook 'w3m-display-hook jump)
  (let*((code                  (symbol-function jump))
        (remove-code           `(remove-hook 'w3m-display-hook (quote ,jump)))
        (remove-code-index     2)
        (current-code          (nth remove-code-index code)) )
    (unless (equal current-code remove-code)
      (push remove-code (nthcdr remove-code-index code)) )))

(defun web-search ()
  (let ((search (get-search-string "Google")))
    (unless (empty-string-p search)
      (w3m-new-tab (format "Google: %s" search))
      (w3m-search w3m-search-default-engine search) ))
  (enable-jump 'number-one-jump) )

(defun number-one-jump (&optional not-used) ; Google, Youtube
  (when (re-search-forward "^ 1." (point-max) t)
    (recenter-top-bottom 0)
    (w3m-next-anchor) ))


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