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Re: Real-life examples of lexical binding in Emacs Lisp

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Real-life examples of lexical binding in Emacs Lisp
Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 14:28:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I googled a bit, and could not find /real-world/ examples of using
> lexical binding and its advantages /in Emacs Lisp/.  I understand that
> it's a nice thing to be able to create closures, and that lexical
> binding is in general faster than dynamic binding (which is a bonus in
> itself), but could anyone show me a real /text editing/ problem that
> lexical binding solves, like something that is easier done with
> l.b. than with d.b.?  (Examples of general-purpose programming problems
> made easier with l.b. are more or less obvious/easy to find, but Emacs
> is a text editor, after all, and this is its primary area.)

Lexical binding matters for two things:

- it allows the creation of closures.
- it prevents the clobbering of variables.


    A typical example, is visible in the thread "~`symbol-function' to
    get code as list even when byte-compiled?":

    ;;;; -*- mode:emacs-lisp;lexical-binding:t;coding:utf-8 -*-
    (defun add-one-shot-meat (hook fun)
      (let ((name (gensym)))
        (setf (symbol-function name)
              (lambda ()
                (remove-hook hook name)
                (funcall fun)))
        (add-hook hook name)))

    Without lexical binding, fun and hook would be dynamic, and
    therefore their bindings would disappear when add-one-shot-meat
    returns.  Therefore they would be undefined variable when the 
    function is called, or worse, they may be bound at that time by some
    other function to something different.


        (setf lexical-binding t)

        (defun e (f)
          (let ((v 42))
             (funcall f)))

        (let ((v 33))
          (e (lambda () v)))

        --> 33

        (setf lexical-binding nil)

        (defun e (f)
          (let ((v 42))
             (funcall f)))

        (let ((v 33))
          (e (lambda () v)))

        --> 42

Clobering variables:
    For example, if we have a package such as:

        (setf lexical-binding nil)
        (defun d () v)
        (defun e (f)
          (let ((v 42))
             (funcall f)))

    and we used it with a function in another package such as:

        (defun h ()
           (let ((v 33))
    we obtain:

         (e (function h))
         --> 33

    instead of the expected 42.

    Hence the workaround of prefixing all variables by the package name,
    but this is often insufficient (because package names being often
    generic, a different package may name its internal variables
    similarly) and not always applied, notably for internal variables.

    To be 100% safe without lexical binding, you would have to prefix
    ALL your variables with very long package and function name

__Pascal Bourguignon__       
“The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a
dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to
keep the man from touching the equipment.” -- Carl Bass CEO Autodesk

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