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Re: A (probably silly) problem with request.el

From: Marcin Borkowski
Subject: Re: A (probably silly) problem with request.el
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2015 22:44:16 +0200

On 2015-06-06, at 21:25, Nicolas Richard <> wrote:

> Marcin Borkowski <> writes:
>> Now the question is:
>> how do I do anything reasonable with what I got?  In my particular case
>> I expect json, so I'd like to use e.g. json.el to convert it to s-exps.
>> How do I do that?  I tried
>> (request ""; :parser #'json-read),
> The request form will *never*[1] return json, because it returns before the
> request is complete. This is what asynchronous means, and that is why I
> said "The real job must be done by a callback function".
> The very first example in the homepage of the package uses
> Here's a simplified version of it :
> (request
>  "";
>  :parser 'json-read
>  :success (function*
>            (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
>              (message "response: %S" data))))
> Please try it and see what happens. The function mentionned as :success
> takes over once the request is complete (well, unless the request fails
> obviously...). That is a "callback" function.

OK, so now that I played with it for a moment, let me ask more questions
(not very urgent ones, I'm just curious).  Do I get it correctly that
the "success" function will be called *at some later point* (assuming
that the request succeeded)?  What Emacs mechanism is used for that -
timers?  (I assume that the asynchronicity is more or less natural when
using curl, and then async processes are used, right?  Does url.el also
use some external tool?)


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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