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`define-key' in `defadvice' takes effect only after second invocation

From: Alexander Shukaev
Subject: `define-key' in `defadvice' takes effect only after second invocation
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 22:06:22 +0200


As a part of my custom Vi layer written on top of Evil, I'm in the
process of adding the following (simple package):

(require 'devil-common)
(require 'devil-core)
(require 'devil-states)
(defgroup devil-repeat-motion
  "Devil repeat motion."
  :group 'devil
  :prefix 'devil-repeat-motion)
(defcustom devil-repeat-motion-key
  (kbd "SPC")
  "Key used to repeat (last) motion."
  :group 'devil-repeat-motion
  :type 'key-sequence)
(defcustom devil-repeat-motion-key-reverse
  (kbd "S-SPC")
  "Key used to repeat (last) motion in reverse direction."
  :group 'devil-repeat-motion
  :type 'key-sequence)
(defun devil-repeat-motion
     &optional keymap)
Make KEY-OR-COMMAND repeatable."
  (setq keymap (or keymap evil-motion-state-map))
  (let ((command          (devil-key-command key-or-command          keymap))
        (command-next     (devil-key-command key-or-command-next     keymap))
        (command-previous (devil-key-command key-or-command-previous keymap)))
     `(defadvice ,command
           ,(intern (format "devil-repeat-motion--%s" (symbol-name command)))
        ,(format "\
Make `%s' repeatable.
Repeatable with `%s'.
Repeatable with `%s' in reverse direction."
        (unless (eq last-command #',command)
          (evil-define-key 'motion devil-repeat-motion-mode-map
            ,devil-repeat-motion-key         #',command-next
            ,devil-repeat-motion-key-reverse #',command-previous))))
    (list command
(defmacro devil-repeat-motions
    (&rest ...)
  "Apply `devil-repeat-motion' to each three consecutive arguments.
Return list of results where each element is the return value of the
corresponding `devil-repeat-motion' application."
  (declare (debug  t)
           (indent defun))
  (let (body)
    (while ...
      (push `(devil-repeat-motion ,(pop ...) ,(pop ...) ,(pop ...)) body))
    (setq body (nreverse body))
    `(list ,@body)))
(define-minor-mode devil-repeat-motion-mode
Devil repeat motion mode."
  :global t
  :group 'devil-repeat-motion
  :keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
  :lighter " DRM")
(provide 'devil-repeat-motion)

I hope this is not too overwhelming to read, but I really need help
with the problem.  First of all, the code above works as intended.
Secondly, let me briefly introduce the idea behind it.

Assume one has defined keys for some (Evil) motions in the
`evil-motion-state-map' like so:

(devil-define-key evil-motion-state-map
  (kbd "] c") #'evil-find-char
  (kbd "[ c") #'evil-find-char-backward
  (kbd "] t") #'evil-find-char-to
  (kbd "[ t") #'evil-find-char-to-backward
  (kbd "f") #'evil-repeat-find-char
  (kbd "F") #'evil-repeat-find-char-reverse)

And one wants to make the first four ones repeatable forward and
backward with the SPC and S-SPC respectively.  So with the above
package, one can write

  (kbd "] c") (kbd "f") (kbd "F")
  (kbd "[ c") (kbd "f") (kbd "F")
  (kbd "] t") (kbd "f") (kbd "F")
  (kbd "[ t") (kbd "f") (kbd "F")))

Note, that it is also possible to write it like this:

  #'evil-find-char #'evil-repeat-find-char #'evil-repeat-find-char-reverse
  #'evil-find-char-backward #'evil-repeat-find-char
  #'evil-find-char-to #'evil-repeat-find-char #'evil-repeat-find-char-reverse
  #'evil-find-char-to-backward #'evil-repeat-find-char

The first variant is just for convenience (works only when keys for
commands are already define), while the second one is more general
(works anyways).

Now to the problem.  I start Emacs.  I enter
`devil-repeat-motion-mode' with, say, M-x devil-repeat-motion-mode
RET.  I do ] c t (to find the next 't' char forward).  This entails
advice which binds SPC and S-SPC appropriately (I can see that with
both C-h v devil-repeat-motion-mode-map RET and C-h b).  But, wait,
tapping SPC or S-SPC gives me "SPC is undefined".  How come?  Now the
most interesting.  I do ] c t one more time, and now it works!  Could
anybody explain this behavior to me?  I mean, maybe I missed
something, and adding binding like this "on fly" requires some
additional command to sort of "commit" them to be available
immediately or whatever.  Thanks a lot, and sorry for lengthy post.


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