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Re: first steps in elisp

From: Joost Kremers
Subject: Re: first steps in elisp
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:00:47 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.17; emacs

On Thu, Nov 24 2016, Mark Piffer wrote:
(defun ignore-multiline-comment (nlines)

It's a good habit to get into to always provide a prefix for any Elisp functions and variables that you write, even if it's just for your own personal code. For personal code, most people use their initials, or simply `my-`.

  "assumes point is inside a C multiline comment /*. Advances
until end of comment */ or nlines becomes 0"

There are some doc string conventions (which can be found in the Elisp manual: C-h i m Elisp RET m Documentation Tips RET), the most important of which is that the first line of a doc string should be a sentence on its own. For personal code, it doesn't matter as much, of course, but again, it's a good habit to get into. Also, the doc string should say what a function does, i.e., what it expects as input (or context) and what it returns or what side effects it has. So, e.g.,:

     "Move point past the end of a C multiline comment.
This function assumes that point is inside the comment. This is a recursive function, its stop condition is met when NLINES is 0."

  (if (zerop nlines)
    (if (looking-at ".*?\\*/")
                  (goto-char (match-end 0))
                  (ignore-line-comments nlines))
      (beginning-of-line 2)
      (ignore-multiline-comment (1- nlines)))))

Personally, I normally wouldn't explicitly write nil as a return value but instead rely on the function structure to handle that. So I'd do something like:

(defun my-ignore-multiline-comment (nlines)
 "assumes point is inside a C multiline comment /*. Advances
until end of comment */ or nlines becomes 0"
 (when (not (zerop nlines))
   (if (looking-at ".*?\\*/")
         (goto-char (match-end 0))
         (my-ignore-line-comments nlines))
     (beginning-of-line 2)
     (my-ignore-multiline-comment (1- nlines)))))

But in this case the nil return value might make sense to indicate that the stop condition is met. Personally, I would probably write that in the doc string, but YMMV.

(defun ignore-line-comments (nlines)
"return the text starting at point as a list, going nlines lines down, stripped of
all C comments (except pathological cases w/ string literals)"
  (if (zerop nlines)
(setq ml-e (if (looking-at "\\(.*?\\)/\\*") ;; test on /* comment
                                 (match-end 1)
(setq sl-e (if (looking-at "\\(.*?\\)//") ;; test on // comment
                                  (match-end 1)

Here, you should definitely use local variables for ml-e and sl-e. Note that if you use setq on a symbol that hasn't been let-bound, you automatically create a global variable that stays around until Emacs is shut down. So unless you need to store some global state, always use let.

Also, I would use longer names for variables, so it's easier to see what they're used for. But again, YMMV.

    (if (or sl-e ml-e) ;; any comment on line?
(if (and ml-e (or (not sl-e) (< ml-e sl-e))) ;; is /* the only or first comment?
(setq r (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) ml-e))
                      (goto-char ml-e)
(cons r (ignore-multiline-comment nlines))) (setq r (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) sl-e))
                  (beginning-of-line 2)
                  (cons r (ignore-line-comments (1- nlines))))
      (looking-at ".*$")
(setq r (buffer-substring-no-properties (car (match-data)) (cadr (match-data))) )
      (beginning-of-line 2)
      (cons r (ignore-line-comments (1- nlines))))))

So with let, this would become:

(defun my-ignore-line-comments (nlines)
"return the text starting at point as a list, going nlines lines down, stripped of all C comments (except pathological cases w/ string literals)" (when (not (zerop nlines)) (let ((ml-e (if (looking-at "\\(.*?\\)/\\*") ;; test on /* comment
                   (match-end 1)
(sl-e (if (looking-at "\\(.*?\\)//") ;; test on // comment
                   (match-end 1)
     (if (or sl-e ml-e) ;; any comment on line?
(if (and ml-e (or (not sl-e) (< ml-e sl-e))) ;; is /* the only or first comment?
(setq r (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) ml-e))
               (goto-char ml-e)
               (cons r (my-ignore-multiline-comment nlines)))
           (setq r (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) sl-e))
           (beginning-of-line 2)
           (cons r (my-ignore-line-comments (1- nlines))))
       (looking-at ".*$")
(setq r (buffer-substring-no-properties (car (match-data)) (cadr (match-data))))
       (beginning-of-line 2)
       (cons r (my-ignore-line-comments (1- nlines)))))))

It's perfectly fine to use setq on a variable once it's been let-bound. If you cannot provide an initial value for a variable, just leave out the value as done here for `r` and setq it later.

BTW, I find it useful to run flycheck in my Elisp buffers, helps one to develop good habits. :-)

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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