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Re: desktop-read usage and syntax ::error, strange character

From: ken
Subject: Re: desktop-read usage and syntax ::error, strange character
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 15:29:39 -0400
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On 07/18/2017 01:07 PM, Sharon Kimble wrote:
ken <> writes:

For some reason, when booting after a crash, the desktop isn't loaded; that is, 
the files which were
loaded in the previous (crashed) session aren't loaded again.  I suspected this 
was due to
"~/.emacs/.emacs.desktop.lock", so I deleted it.  Then I close emacs and start 
it again, but still
the desktop isn't loaded.

So then I try to load it by hand, ie, I run "M-x desktop-read"... this yields 
the error:
"eval-buffer: Symbol's value as variable is void: Î".  Yes, the last character is a 
capital "I" with
a carot above it.  If, from the "*scratch*" buffer I run (desktop-read 
"/home/user/.emacs.d/"), I
get exactly the same error message.

Anyone know what's going on?
I've had the same problem too, and the only thing that I can do is to
restore my buffers from memory. I use tabbar so its a bit easier as I
have tabs grouped by the major mode that they're using.

I also back up my 'emacs.desktop' every night at 1800, along with my
config file and my theme too, so its always possible for me to import
any of these files if the original one gets corrupted.


Sharon, thanks for your reply. There's a lot there though which I'm not understanding. For instance, what do you meanfur that you 'restore them from memory'? And what is tabbar...? and what are tabs?

I also backup my ".emacs.desktop", but just by hand at times that feel appropriate. Maybe I should use a cron job like you do.

A cludge I've used in the past to restore my desktop was simple: in emacs I created a macro which searched out the next filename in ~/.emacs.d/.emacs.desktop and then simply did "C-f 5" on it. Because the focus was on the new window/frame, I then had to "Ctrl-Tab" back to the first window/frame and run the macro again for the next filename. Not very streamlined. Also, I lose the last-known location of the cursor in each file opened this way. Does anyone know which number (or whatever) in the stanzas in ~/.emacs.d/.emacs.desktop which represents the point in the buffer of the file?

Thanks to any and all with further clues.

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