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Re: AW: [Help-gnu-radius] I don't want any log info

From: tu guangxiu
Subject: Re: AW: [Help-gnu-radius] I don't want any log info
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 00:02:12 -0700 (PDT)

I must set log-dir to /, file to dev/null, because
radiusd using log-dir and file to make the absolute
file name.  So it is not so flexible, we can't store
different log file in different path.  They must
reside on the same path.


--- Sergey Poznyakoff <address@hidden> wrote:
> > it's more a question, but afaik one can set the
> log-dir in the config
> > file. What would happen if one would set it to
> /dev/null? Would that
> > cause what tu wants or would it prevent radiusd
> from running?
> Sure, it is possible to set output file to
> /dev/null, e.g.:
> logging {
>       channel default {
>               file "/dev/null";
>       };
>       category * {
>               channel default;
>       };
> };
> However, I still would suggest to log at least the
> category `error'.
> Regards,
> Sergey

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