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[Help-gnu-radius] radsession problem

From: Miroslaw Niemiec
Subject: [Help-gnu-radius] radsession problem
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 13:35:21 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113


I have radius-1.2 and guile-1.6.4 installed on Debian Linux 2.4.20.
(solaris is a name of my machine)

My /usr/local/etc/raddb/users file defines user: mirek and password:haslo
and I am not able to connect locally to this server using radsession:

Attached is an echo from my console:
solaris:/usr/local/etc/raddb# cat client.conf
# For detailed description, run:
#       info Radius client.conf
server local foobar 1812 1813
timeout 3
retry 1
solaris:/usr/local/etc/raddb# cat users
# For detailed description, run:
#       info Radius users

DEFAULT Auth-Type = SQL,
               Simultaneous-Use = 1
       Service-Type = Framed-User,
               Framed-Protocol = PPP

mirek1  Auth-Type = Accept,
       Simultaneous-Use = 10
       Service-Type = Framed-User,
       Framed-Protocol = PPP

mirek   Auth-Type = Local,
       User-Password = haslo,
       Simultaneous-Use = 10
       Service-Type = Framed-User,
       Framed-Protocol = PPP

solaris:~# radctl start
RADIUS server started
solaris:~# radauth mirek haslo
solaris:~# radsession -l mirek -p haslo -P 1 -s "0001" --start
ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to #<primitive-procedure eval>

I am getting "Wrong number of arguments to #<primitive-procedure eval>" error.

Could you please advise me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you.

Miroslaw Niemiec.

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