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RE: [Help-gnu-radius] MSCHAPv2, radius and mpd

From: Charles Sprickman
Subject: RE: [Help-gnu-radius] MSCHAPv2, radius and mpd
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 15:04:58 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Gerald wrote:

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Mark Campbell wrote:

Is this something that might appear in a future version, or is it

I think this is the official stance on it at the moment:

"Hmm :^) If anybody wishes to contribute the code for handling ms-chap,
it is welcomed." Sergey

Someone with the skills could probably dig that out of FreeRadius.

As to the whole "clear password" issue, I've found that a few of the major US roaming/outsourced dial providers will only do CHAP (not MS-CHAP) out of some POPs, which kind of forces the issue of clear password storage. It's kind of stupid; the chances of someone tapping a phone line and getting that clear text PAP is pretty slim compared to the chances of someone snarfing clear-text passwords in a file or DB.



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