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[Help-gnu-radius] User Configuration Doubts

From: Rodrigo Araujo
Subject: [Help-gnu-radius] User Configuration Doubts
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 11:24:04 -0200

Hello All,

    I'm finding some doubts to configure an special user for GNURADIUS and 
I'll apreciate if someone help me.

    I have to configure my special user to use specific IP ADDRESS or 
specific NAS PORT ID. The main "critical"
problem is the special user has 70 specific ip address or 10 specific NAS 

    I try to use the attrib table to configure like the example:

| user_name      | attr               | value         | op |
| "special_user" | NAS-Port-Id        | 1111111       | =  |
| "special_user" | NAS-Port-Id        | 2222222       | =  |
| "special_user" | NAS-Port-Id        | 3333333       | =  |
| "special_user" | Framed-IP-Address  |  | =  |
| "special_user" | Framed-IP-Address  | yyy.yy.yy.yyy | =  |
| "special_user" | Framed-IP-Address  | zzz.z.z.zzz   | =  |

    Is there another way to configure this ? The problem here is that the 
packet from user must have NAS-Port-Id
equal 1111111 and 2222222 and 3333333 and the packet has only one 
The same problem I found on IP Address.

    Thanks all,


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