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Re: [Help-gnucap] Using hash symbol (#) in a variable

From: al davis
Subject: Re: [Help-gnucap] Using hash symbol (#) in a variable
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 23:14:20 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.11.4 (Linux/2.6.26-1-amd64; KDE/4.2.4; x86_64; ; )

On Saturday 18 July 2009, cliffnotes wrote:
> It would be nice to support 1 non-alphanumeric character to
> allow us to allow us a hook for our tool to do some advanced
> things. It can be an "@" or "|" or whatever, but "#" is a
> character that I believe I have seen in the past used legally
> in several simulators. Can you enhance the simulator to allow
> "#" to be legal within the device name, net name, or param
> name?

Those symbols do work in device names and net names.

There is an issue with param names because of param expressions.  
Those characters can have meanings of their own in expressions.  
For example "foo|bar" .. is likely to mean "foo or bar".

Param expressions are known to have issues.  Fixing it, or even 
documenting it properly, requires further study.  I think any 
problems there will come out as testing and debugging of 
expressions is completed.

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