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exit status for installing gnustep-make-1.6.0

From: Dan Hitt
Subject: exit status for installing gnustep-make-1.6.0
Date: 5 Apr 2003 12:36:27 -0500


I'm trying to build and install gnustep.

I've built and installed all of the prerequisites, i think, per the
build guide, and i'm now starting to build gnustep itself, starting
with gnustep-make-1.6.0.

When i do the `make install', (after configure and make) i get something
that sure looks like error messages:
Creating system domain: /home/gstep/installs/System
Creating local and network dirs: /home/gstep/installs/Local, 
Creating makefile directories in: /home/gstep/installs/System/Makefiles
Installing gnustep-make support software
/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `../../src/gnustep-make-1.6.0/': No 
such file or directory
/usr/bin/install: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
Installing makefiles
But the exit status for the command is 0.

Is this correct?  (For reference, the command seems to create some
files, especially makefiles and scripts, but also a bunch of empty

Thanks in advance for any guidance.


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